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De Nijverheid

In the Werkspoor Quarter you will find De Nijverheid, a place where artists, designers and other creative makers shape their ideas and create exhibitions.

On the quay you will find three former prostitution boats that have been given a second life, e.g. as a mini-museum about the history of the Zandpad area and as an exhibition space.

Cultural events regularly take place at De Nijverheid as well. There are concerts by beginning bands, but also more experienced artists come along for a nice show. There are exhibitions by “own” artists, but also by artists from outside and sometimes the shed is turned into a cinema. So there is always something artistic to experience at De Nijverheid.

Of course, such a nice place needs a cozy café. The Kunstcafé has a real living room atmosphere. You can enjoy a drink at the bar, made of old Utrecht park benches. And at noon you can enjoy the Nijverlunch, a delicious organic lunch buffet.


De Nijverheid

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