Tuesday 29 October 2024 - Wednesday 30 October 2024

Herfststukjes: HOKJE (5+)

Herfststukjes: HOKJE (5+)
photo: Kamerich & Budwilowitz

Practical information

Theater Kikker
Ganzenmarkt 14
3512 GD Utrecht View location
€ 13.50
€ 11.00
€ 11.00
€ 5.50 - € 6.75

There are boxes you can see. You can crawl in them, and you can get out again. This is different with invisible boxes. Are you usually the toughest kid in the class? Then it is difficult to say that sometimes you are also afraid, or sad. Or are you the smallest kid and everyone thinks you’re so cute? Then you are never the boss of all the games, although you might be very good at it. It would be nice if those invisible boxes didn’t exist. Then nobody would think it’s crazy if you do wild things in the morning, and you suddenly want to be a beautiful princess in the afternoon.

In the circus theater performance HOKJE, three acrobats and a mime performer try to get out of their boxes with somersaults and tricks. At the circus, the strong guys are always at the bottom and the girls soar high in the air. But what if it’s the other way around? In HOKJE the acrobats don’t just want to show their tricks. The base wants to show that he is more than a bonk of muscles, and the quiet flyer also wants to scream out loud.

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